There is nothing wrong with a side hustle or side gig, many businesses started out as one.

So many people start something part time alongside their full time job in order to make more income or to seek proof that a concept might work before they leave their existing employment.
My side hustle used to be doing readings and energy work on Ebay.

I had a part time job in telesales at the time, but the days that I wasn’t there I didn’t have any childcare.
This meant that I had to do the school run, be around for school holidays and any sick or teacher training days too.
It wasn’t realistic for me to work full time once I’d had my daughter, so permanent part time work and a side hustle became the way forward for me.


The first takeaway point – I chose something that was a good fit time and energy wise.

I could do readings in the evenings or at weekends and when I listed them I always gave myself enough time to do a good job in a timely manner and not feel harassed.
It would have been no good me starting a dog walking business as a side hustle because I’d have to accommodate specific times of the day when people wanted their dog walked. If my daughter was having a nap or off school sick then I’d let people down. So choose what works for you with the time you have and the life that you live.

Once I started to make money from my side gig I realised that it was a good fit and that I could grow it.
Side note – I was doing something that needed time and energy from me and although it was a great concept, I would never make any passive income from this kind of work.
My intentions are now aligned with making passive income or as passive as it can be, so this kind of side gig wouldn’t be ideal for me now. It was however ideal at the time because I needed a faster flow of money and as people paid by paypal this was instant.

Second takeaway point – if I was starting a side income now I’d look for ways of making an income that was more passive.

I grew my ebay business until the income matched my telesales income and then I started to really keep a track of what was possible. Once you get some traction and you can get some numbers around your side gig, you can start to consider where its going to go for you.
Are you happy with the work load and mix that you have at the moment?
Or maybe you would like to grow bigger and provide yourself with a living wage or income.

Third takeaway point – choose something that you like to do.

If you do want to make this your main income eventually, its a good idea to consider your finances as a whole.
I waited until I had no debt and I made sure that my mortgage was on a fixed rate and all of my utility bills were with the most cost effective suppliers. I saved up 3 x months wages in my current account incase I needed a buffer, and I made sure that when I handed my notice in that I was polite and grateful and that the door might be kept open for me to return if I needed to – I stacked the odds in my favour to be a success and thankfully I was.

Fourth takeaway point – make it as safe as you can financially and get as much proof of concept as possible before you leave a permanent job, especially if you have financial commitments such as a mortgage.

Waiting until you have your financial affairs in order is smart and it also means that you are not in money fear when you make the leap. This means that you are making a conscious choice and that you are also aligned with flow and abundance, a really good energy to be in as you take a step towards making your side hustle your main way of earning income.

All in all it took me around a year to get my plan up and running and then to prove to myself that this business was more than a hobby, and to be honest I haven’t looked back.

So what is your version of this?

Do you need fast cash to pay off debts or save for a holiday or have you got the time to play the longer game and set yourself up for something that could replace your current income and give you freedom?
Might you be looking even further ahead and wanting to generate passive income for years to come?

I’ve created a FREE Class and Meditation Bundle to help with Money & Flow that you can download as well as considering starting a side hustle.

Once you know what you need you can consider your options and see what kind of side hustle might fit.

You may even already have a hobby that you could invest more of yourself into and make money from, or you might want to start something new.

Here is a list of ideas:

– Drop Ship Products
– Digital Courses
– Your Own Crafted or Handmade Items
– Baked Goods
– Dog Walking
– Ironing or Cleaning
– Ebay
– Upcycle Furniture
– Amazon Affiliate or FBA
– Gigs on Fiverr
– Oracle Card Reading
– Etsy shop
– You Tube Channel
– House Sitting

Hit some of them up on google if you’re interested, and know I’m wishing you luck.
Please let me know in the comments if you have anything to add to the list and if you found this article useful!

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