The Lions Gate Portal Opens on 27th July and closes on 12th August 2022.

The energy peaks on August 8th (8/8) due to a cosmic alignment that is thought to be a potent and powerful moment in time and space for us to be able to manifest what we desire.

For Lightworkers around the world this is a key event in the spiritual calendar that we can lean into and it is thought to be able to assist us to create powerful and lasting transformation.

At this time Sirius separates from the sun enough for us to see its shining light, and it is thought that this brings more light and energy to the earth plane thus magnifying our ability to align with our desires and draw them into reality.

With the sun in the astrological sign of Leo – Sirius, Orion’s Belt and The Earth all line up.
This is powerful and magnifies our intentions.
Interestingly the number 8 is the Strength card in tarot and depicts a woman holding and taming a lion, another indicator of Leo energy. It is thought that number 8 can act as a bridge between material and spiritual energy and can assist flow and abundance creation.

The opening of the portal is intensified as we move into the the New Moon in Leo on 28th July.

This is a time when you are encouraged to level up on your soul path and embrace your soul blueprint.

– What are you called to do?

– Who are you becoming?

– What do you need to change?

When we are in human form we all battle with ego and personality, but it is in the core of our being that we truly can connect to our essence and begin to follow our inner compass.
This is a time when you can begin again in lots of ways, you can seed in powerful intentions for your life and the experiences that you want to draw in.

Spend some time considering this.
What do you want more of and what do you want less of?
How do you want to live and who do you want to be?
You get to choose.

As the Lions Gate opens we can harness the power of the New Moon in Leo to start the process and then allow the energy and intention to build as we move towards 8th August.

Be as conscious as you can during this time, your thoughts and emotions are generating frequencies that The Universe will endeavour to match. Observe yourself and if you go into an old paradigm that does not serve you then catch yourself and bring yourself right back into the present moment.
Anchor yourself in the now, get grounded and know that you can choose who you are and you don’t have to stay stuck in who you once were.

This is a new beginning and you deserve it.
Any unworthiness patterning that you may be carrying can be honoured and then released.
The same for self-sabotage (and often they are one and the same) and fear programming.
Call for the cords to be cut between you and the collective fear matrices as you instead draw in more love and light and radiate this into the collective to help raise the vibration of the planet and our species.

In practical terms make sure you are hydrated and that you nourish your body with rest and meditation. Stay away from drama and lower vibration people and situations, as you raise your own frequency there will be an energetic dissonance and you will find that you experience this less and less anyway.

Be aware of anything that triggers you and see it as a red flag that The Universe is showing you so that you know what you need to heal.
Don’t deny this part of you, but instead bring it into the light with love.
You are evolving and aspects of you that are in past trauma or fear need to be forgiven and not judged.

You may want to complete a ritual on 8/8 to mark the moment.
Simply lighting a candle and spending time aligning with the feelings that you want more of is enough in my opinion, or you may want to make a simple crystal grid and place your intention list in the centre.

Whatever you do remember that gratitude is a magnet for goodness and the more time you can spend in that energy, the more allowing you can create for goodness to flow in.
This is important all of the time but especially more so when we have an energy portal open because you can accelerate your progress more quickly and more easily.

I also invite you to consider the greater good at this time.
Humanity is struggling in many ways and as part of your service work I’d ask you to consider holding our beloved planet and all of her inhabitants in love and light and intention for peace and healing.

Love Kate x

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