Having a good morning routine can really transform your life – seriously.

If you don’t believe me I dare you give it a go!
See if you can gain the benefits that so many others have when they have nailed their morning routine.

Before I go into the different elements of a successful morning routine there are two things I want to say – first of all do what works for you. Take a pick and mix approach and adapt your routine depending on your life and your needs, and know that  its ok to change your routine as you find out what works for you and what doesn’t.

Secondly I’d say a good morning routine starts the night before.
If you’re intending to eat overnight oats for your breakfast as a quick and nutritious option, you have to make them before you go to bed. If you want to include journaling, you need to have your journal to hand and a pen.
If yoga is one of your intentions, then you need to get out your mat.
It sounds simple but for many of us a new morning routine involves getting up earlier and especially at the start of that journey, you might feel a bit of brain fog while your body adjusts.
It takes a few days to get to the point where you are tired earlier in the evening and your bed time is naturally brought forwards to accommodate for you getting up earlier.

If you have resistance to going to sleep earlier at night consider this.

What are you REALLY doing that is productive with that last hour before your current bed time?

For many of us the honest answer might be scrolling on social media or watching television.
Screen time just before you go to sleep is not helpful when it comes to setting yourself up for a good nights sleep. If you missed this hour of scrolling or watching television but you were setting yourself up to gain so much the following day would you really be missing out?
Probably not.
Check Out The Bedtime Routine Blog

Elements of a Morning Routine that work for me:

1) Get up early

There is something so good for me when it comes to being the first person awake.
The quiet and the lack of distraction really help me to reset myself and connect.
If I don’t have this time I can feel frazzled and like I haven’t found my lane for the whole day, I’d highly recommend getting up earlier and gifting yourself the time and space first thing in the morning to set yourself up for the day ahead.

I usually get up between 5am and 6am and this gives me at least one full hour to myself, sometimes two.
For you that are thinking this might be too hard core why not try to get up half an hour earlier at first and once you have nailed that as a regular practice extend it to 45 minutes and then an hour?

I set the alarm on my phone and have it on a low volume so that I don’t disturb anyone else, and since I have everything that I need organized the night before I literally just get out of bed quietly and creep out of the bedroom – its that easy.

2) No social media or emails

This is your precious golden time and you don’t want social media to steal it.
Resist the urge to be on other people’s agenda and don’t open social media or messaging apps at this time, you can catch up on anything soon and you will have more energy to give.
Don’t ruin your morning routine by allowing social media to hijack it!

3) Movement

Wake up your body with some exercise.
I love doing something like yoga in the early morning, even just 10 minutes makes a difference.
I used to do classes from You Tube but I invested in DDP Yoga and I love it.
It’s a spin on yoga by the WWF Wrestler Diamond Dallas Page and he has some hugely inspiring success stories of people losing vast amounts of weight and regaining their health in ways that are almost miraculous.

If you want to work up a sweat and its practical to make a bit of noise you could do a HIIT class, search for Joe Wicks on You Tube and you will see that he has a massive selection of short classes that target different areas, burn fat and have a great calorific afterburn.

A short walk outdoors can help you to get some fresh air into your lungs and get grounded, but if you can’t get outdoors my sister and I love Walk Fit by Lesley Sansome.

4) Meditation

Even a really short meditation can help you to set your vibration for the day, helping you to feel calmer, happier and more present – which in turn helps you to be more productive and happier.
Here is a link to my free Good Morning Meditation that you can download and try.
Free Resources Page

5) Journal

Writing your thoughts can help in lots of ways.
It can help you to unpack your feeling, to externalise your emotions and experiences and to gain focus and insight into where you are now and where you are going in the future.
You can take your journal in any direction that you choose, because there are no rules and its yours.
If a blank journal feels daunting to you and you don’t know where to start, you could try a journal that offers prompts or guidance.

6) Get Grounded

Grounding has so many incredible benefits on your health and well-being.
It has been shown to reduce blood pressure and stress and help us to have more energy and be more present among many other benefits.

When you ground yourself, you absorb free electrons from the earth that can reduce inflammation and eliminate free radicals from our physical bodies – this has so many benefits on so many levels.
There is a brilliant movie that you can watch on Netflix called The Grounded and it was on the back of watching this that I invested in a grounding sheet for my bed.
Grounding Sheet Info & Links 

7) Power Shower

Of course having a shower every day is good for your personal hygiene but did you know that you can use it to help clear your energy field and power you up for the day ahead?
The cleansing effect of water can be heightened by you visualising the water clearing away anything that does not serve you and then intending that it flows down the plug hole.
This harnesses something called The Observer Effect and engages Law of Attraction to help create the outcome that you are lining up with, if you are aligned to a clear aura and you send your focus and attention to this, then you help to draw in this outcome and create it.

Other ideas to power up your shower include a morning routine playlist.
Music can change your mood and lift your vibration really quickly, having a playlist on your phone that you can listen to and sing along with can help to bring in a positive energy that sets you up for the day.
My favourite morning music is either something from The Greatest Showman or the song Defying Gravity from Wicked.
I find Amazon Music easy to use for playlists and I make them for all kinds of things – I even have a playlist called “I want to be silly” that includes songs like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and The Music Man!
If you don’t want to use a paid for streaming service you can just as easily use You Tube  to play something you love that fires you up with a good feeling.

I’d also recommend you turning the temperature of the water down to cold at the end of your shower, or as cold as you can stand it. This has incredible health and mental health benefits and is a technique pioneered by Wim Hoff.
It’s especially good for boosting immunity which we all need to be doing right now, and reducing inflammation which is often something that comes hand in glove with different illnesses such as auto immune conditions.

8) Nutrition

Eating well and staying hydrated is super important.
I am a huge advocate of celery juice.
I like other juice too, but the power of celery juice is thought to be very potent for helping us to heal so much in our bodies. I devoured the book and learned that its best to have celery juice on its own on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before anything else.

I also take a supplement (do your research or get advice from a nutritionist if you feel you want to) because I was struggling with energy levels and I personally have found this to be beneficial.
I set up a subscription on amazon because I was buying from another online store but kept forgetting to order it in time and found that I was therefore having a few days where I had run out and I really felt a huge difference.

9) Plan the day

I am a big list maker and when I feel at my best and alert in the morning I make my list for the day as part of my morning routine. I put general and specific tasks on there and I am also mindful to include something to do with self-care, even if its something small.

After I have made my list I help myself to prioritise tasks by numbering them and I do my best to work through them in this order during the day.

10) Listen or read

Some people love to read something inspirational in the morning, I prefer to listen.
I find something on you tube that inspires me and I listen when I am doing yoga or when I am getting dressed. It saves time and I feel like I’m getting more bang for my buck if I multi-task.
If you want to try this and you don’t know where to start you could look for a TED talk or even tune into my podcast, please note it comes with a swear warning!
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Amazon Music and other platforms.

Quick Link —> Kate’s Life With Soul Podcast 

If you’re looking for personal & spiritual growth, a library of content and guided meditations, support & connection – check out my membership option here —–> Life & Soul Academy.

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