Its Cancer season and emotions are running high!
As if that is not enough we currently have a Super Full Moon about to peak on 13th July in Capricorn.

This moon is associated with order and structure, systems and getting things done in a disciplined and planned way. It’s about taking back control and therefore balance in our lives, because when chaos reigns we can’t experience peaceful productivity and flow and stay on task.

I’m absolutely going through this right now!
I’ve had to change my whole working week around to give me some head space to get some projects done that take focus and commitment.
I needed a distraction free environment several days a week in order to dig in with some deep work that I just couldn’t do at home (which is why I am typing this in my sisters empty house – empty apart from me and the budgie!)

The energy of this moon is about long-term goals and planning and getting you action steps in order.
Its about knuckling down and getting the miles in, doing what you need to if you really want to manifest your dreams. Yes of course energetic alignment is important but so is taking inspired and consistent action, and when the two come together you can get incredible results.

Known as The Buck Moon, this moon is associated with male deer shedding their antlers in order for new, healthier and stronger ones to grow. This is the metaphor that you are invited to consider in your own life – what do you need to shed or release in order to allow space for healthy growth and evolution?

You may find that there are aspects of relationships or career that have been holding you back in terms of progress and that your own beliefs or rules could be limiting you in some way.
Reflecting and going within can help you to identify what you may want to change, but remember that the energy is intense with this moon and you may feel overwhelmed and tired so taking relevant action might have to wait until the near future.

It’s a good time to write your burn list of all that you wish to let go of, and if you can’t think of specifics then you can literally intend and write “I AM releasing anything and everything that does not serve me now.” After burning your list safely you can confirm that the ritual is complete by saying “So Be It” out loud three times.

Once completed its time to look forwards to the goodness that you can draw in now you have made more room.

Wishing you all the very best for this Buck Moon & beyond.

Love Kate x

P.S. If you are going to get more organized and productive here is the link to my free daily Productivity Planner to help you << Daily Productivity Planner >>

P.P.S. If you LOVE Law of Attraction, Energy Work and the thought of growing personally and spiritually, check out my membership << Life & Soul Academy >>

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