Clearing means releasing old and stuck energy from layers of your aura, your chakras, your physical body and consciousness.
It can range from removing cords right through to changing a belief that was programmed into you in childhood.
Clearing moves the old stuff that is sabotaging you out of the way so that the healing can begin.
In physical terms it’s like picking at the scab so the wound can drain, and the new healthy tissue can grow.

Energetic clearing can have lasting and profound effects.
Everything is energy, including all of the experiences, memories, emotions, trauma and beliefs that we carry.
Every moment that we have lived has a vibration and frequency, some are good and some are bad.
The energy of our environment and other people affects us as well and can create imbalances and issues, as can what is happening in the bigger picture and the world at large.

If you are an Empath, it’s likely that you are feeling the current world situation in a more intense way.

Your emotional body is more porous than non – empaths and this means that as well as feeling your own emotions in a heightened way, you will feel the emotions of others too.

This can be a bit of a super power when reading other people.
You can tune into your teen and know that they are feeling jealous and this is behind their recent challenging behaviour, or when you can tell that your partner is being defensive because they are actually in fear and not feeling good enough. When the whole of humanity is in fear and uncertainty, then feeling other people’s stuff in a more intense way can be a huge challenge.

This is where Energy Clearing comes in.

Its a good energy housekeeping habit that we could all do with fostering and bringing into our routine.
Visualising everything that does not serve you being washed down the plug hole when you are showering is a great start to the day, include the intention that you are dissolving any etheric cords as well and you’re going to feel much clearer. At the end of the day a salt bath can help you, again with the intention that whatever is released goes down the plug hole. Smudging your aura with sage or palo santo helps me hugely, and has the benefit of clearing the room that you are doing it in too.

When you clear out the old stuff you not only make way for healing, but you create room for new stuff.

Old and stuck energy will often carry the frequency of things in your past that are lower vibration and possible traumatic. As you evolve your vibration lifts (and especially now as we move towards 5D) and you need to release the old and let go of the resistance it causes.
Clearing it away energetically means that you can manifest more of what you want and you attract in less of what you don’t want – Winning!

A Full Aura Clearing can assist with the following:

– Release & Clear the effects of Other People and Situations.
Removing cords, releasing some psychic attack frequencies, the current fear and anxiety that humanity is experiencing.
Sometimes the effects of your past (if related to other people) such as parents, school friends and toxic relationships.

– Releasing Fear and Inherited Patterns.
Including thoughts, beliefs and behavioural programming that is sabotaging you.

– Release and Clear Anger and Resentment.
Against yourself, other people, situations and the universe.

– Release and Clear Pain & Emotional Distress.
Allowing Joy pathways to re-open and healing your heart from past challenges, toxic relationships and self inflicted wounds.

– Release & Clear Stuck Energy in Relationships.
Helping to let go of control, toxicity and toxic residue, smothering, old patterns that create issues, karmic patterns and more. Not just romantic relationships but any relationships.

– Releasing & Clearing Loss & Grief.
Whatever you are ready to release and let go of at this time, and aligning you more with your future vision and who you are becoming moving forwards.

– Integration of the new vibration that you will be carrying.
Allows everything to settle into its right place and order after old energy is removed.
Helps you to feel more whole and present.

– Final Bubble up & Protection.
With Love & Light Infusion to help you to keep your vibe high, and attract more of what you want and less of what you don’t.

Would any of that help YOU?
Here is an article about each specific layer of your aura and how you can have a go at clearing it yourself
How a Blocked Aura Affects Your Life & How to Clear Your Energy

And if you’d like a whole load more on how to work with Energy, Law of Attraction, Healing & Spiritual Development then you might want to check out my Membership Option –  Life & Soul Academy

You get access to a vast library of workshops, classes and guided meditations as well as group energy sessions and a fantastic conscious community. As a member you’ll also get discounts and priority on services and programs as well as member only offers.

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