Even when we know we need to make a change in our lives, we avoid it.

But what is the cost to you of NOT changing?
Think about that – pause.
What is the real cost?
Not just to you, but to the people around you?
Don’t they deserve the version of you that is happy and whole?
Doesn’t humanity deserve that?

We all came here as individuals as part of a greater plan.
We all have so much potential to be the best version of ourselves, to grow and evolve and be the bundle of creative consciousness in human form that was our purpose.

So what happened?
Life happened – that’s what.
And with it came wounds and scars and lessons and shit that stuck.
We forgot who we were and we adapted to a lesser version of ourselves.
We conformed to keep the peace.
We gave up on that girl that thought she’d conquer the world and live her dreams.

We settled.
For less than we could be.
And then we convinced ourselves that this was it, the dice has been rolled and we are living a life that we can’t escape from.
But what if you didn’t have to escape?
What if you could transform instead?

Cue the Ego.
What’s it telling you?
That change is impossible?
You’ve got too much responsibility?
You’re too old?
People around you won’t like it?

But here’s the thing – there is NOTHING more inspiring than someone rising up.

What if the version of you that you have become is not only a disservice to yourself, but its also a disservice to those around you.

What if the YOU that could emerge is the YOU that will be the catalyst for change in others?
What if your children chose you because part of their learning on earth is about courage?
What if your partner finally gets unstuck because they see your example?

Change is frightening for many reasons, but mainly because of the place in between the decision to change and the outcome you want.
You know things aren’t working and you know what you want life to look like, right?

But between the moment of decision and the life you love lies a mire of fear and uncertainty.

And the moment you start walking away from what you had, and head towards what you want, you’re gonna feel knee deep in the swamp for as long as it takes.
And you’ll likely be alone.
You’ll know what you want, but you’ll know as well that there are no guarantees.
The leap of faith can become a marathon and more.
As you wade past obstacles and lose sight of the life you had, heading in the direction that your heart and soul know is right but doing so in blind faith.

And then your new life starts to emerge.
The fear starts to lift and you get evidence that this WAS the right thing to do.
You start to feel lighter and happier and there is an unfolding of the experiences that you knew deep down you deserved.
And the wilderness of change that you thought had depleted you has really strengthened you.
Gratitude floods in and you know that you can handle change in the future too.
You see that you were probably stuck for far too long, and you celebrate the courage and tenacity that it took to keep going.

We all know people that have been through big changes.
And if you don’t know them personally, you’ve heard of them.
The human spirit is more resilient than you think, and you have deep, deep reserves of strength that you don’t know about until you need them.

So what is this blog saying to you?
What is it that you have been avoiding in terms of change in your life?
What do you know deep down is not working for you?
And what can you do to bring about peaceful and positive change?

Change can happen in a moment, but does not need to be reactive or destructive.
This blog isn’t intended to help you to pull out the pin on a hand grenade in your job, marriage or family. It’s meant to make you think and feel and consider.
Only YOU know your story and no one else’s version of “right” is relevant here.
Get out of the fear of what people will think and the old paradigms that hold us hostage.
We live in a world where anything goes, and life can evolve in different directions if you allow it.
What we resist will persist.

A simple analogy is one of baking a cake.
You follow the same recipe every day and the cake comes out of the oven exactly the same.
Yet that cake is not working for you.
You don’t like it anymore, maybe you never did.
The people in your house don’t much like the cake but they eat it through obligation.
It feels boring and samey and predictable.
Some people might be harmed by the cake – perhaps they are diabetic or gluten free.

So what are you going to do?

Keep making the same cake?
Wouldn’t that be choosing to stay stuck in something that didn’t serve you?
OR could you change it up and look at adding in a new ingredient, taking something out or even a whole new recipe?

If this cake was your life – what would you do?
What have you been doing?
Chances are like most of us you’ve been baking the same damn cake.

So whether it’s the wilderness of change or the same damn cake, I’m encouraging you to take a look at your life and dig deep, whatever that looks like – meditate, journal, reflect.

What’s the truth about what you need to change?

What is the cost of not changing to you and those around you?

How can you begin to bring about positive peaceful change?


The world deserves to experience the person that you came here to be.
Humanity needs that, and so do you.

Love Kate x

*** Newsflash ***
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